Nun ist es hochoffiziell: Flag Football wird olympisch

Source: IFAF

Flag Football als olympische Disziplin bestätigt

Wie das International Olympic Committee IOC heute bekannt gab, wurden die fünf vorgeschlagenen Sportarten, darunter Flag Football, abschliessend bestätigt. Damit wird Flag Football erstmals in Los Angeles 2028 ganz offiziell als olympische Sportart geführt. hat bereits in zwei Artikeln ausführlich darüber berichtet:

Flag Football an Olympischen Spielen in Los Angeles 2028 (10.10.2023)

Wird American Football olympisch? 30.03.2023

Globale Entwicklung steht im Fokus

Die heutige Entscheidung folgt den vorherigen Empfehlungen des IOC-Exekutivkomitees, der IOC-Olympischen Programmkommission und des Organisationskomitees für die Olympischen Spiele 2028 in Los Angeles und markiert den Abschluss eines zweijährigen Evaluierungsprozesses.

Dies erfolgt, nachdem IFAF und die NFL Vision28 gegründet haben, ein einzigartiges Joint-Venture- und Partnerschaftsmodell, das Flag Football in den Mittelpunkt gemeinsamer sportlicher Entwicklungsziele auf globaler Ebene stellt.

20 Millionen Spielerinnen und Spieler weltweit

Geschätzt spielen derzeit etwa 20 Millionen Menschen in mehr als 100 Ländern die Sportart Flag Football, die parallel zur explosionsartigen internationalen Popularität der NFL wächst, während Amerikas beliebteste Zuschauersportart weiterhin auf eine globale Fangemeinde von 340 Millionen aufbaut.

In diesem Jahr werden 65 Nationalmannschaften an den kontinentalen Flag Football-Wettbewerben der IFAF teilnehmen, um sich auf die bisher größten IFAF Weltmeisterschaften im Flag Football vorzubereiten, die im August 2024 in Lahti, Finnland, stattfinden werden.

Reaktionen der Verantwortlichen

Pierre Trochet, Präsident der IFAF International Federation of American Football, sagt:

“This is a huge moment for our sport and our global American football community. We are grateful to everyone who has played a part in what has been a truly collective journey – and a journey that will now continue in partnership with LA28, whom we thank for their vision and leadership.

“We are convinced that flag football will offer an exciting new dimension to the Games – uniting them, for the first time in history, with America’s number one sport in its youngest, most accessible and inclusive format, which is already spearheading extraordinary growth, particularly among youth audiences, women and girls and in new countries worldwide. We have no doubt that inclusion in the Olympic Games will further accelerate this dynamic.”

Roger Goddell, Commissioner der National Football League, ergänzt:

“Congratulations to the International Federation of American Football on this landmark achievement for flag football and the global community that loves and plays our game.

“It’s a tremendous honor for any athlete to represent their country at the Olympics. We have no doubt that this decision will inspire millions of young people around the world to play this game in the years ahead. 

 “The NFL is committed to working together to strengthen flag football’s place in the Olympic movement long term, and we look forward to continuing this exciting journey with IFAF, the LA28 Organizing Committee, the International Olympic Committee and USA Football.”

Scott Hallenbeck, CEO von USA Football und IFAF Vizepräsident:

“Today is a momentous day for American football. We are incredibly thankful to the IOC and LA28 Organizing Committee for recognizing flag football as a sport worthy of inclusion in the Olympic Games, and we share our excitement and celebrate this historic occasion with the millions of flag football players across our country.

“The decision to add flag football to the 2028 Summer Olympic program in Los Angeles is an acknowledgment of the sport’s tremendous international growth and appeal as a fast, exciting and competitive sport.

“USA Football works tirelessly to support the sport’s exponential growth at all levels by encouraging the creation of more pathways to play, and inclusion in the Olympic Games will have a transformative impact on our sport – from the grassroots level to our elite US National Teams.

“As the governing body of American Football in the United States, we are committed to continuing to work closely with IFAF, the USOPC and the NFL as we pursue our collective efforts to grow the game for current and future generations.”

Diana Flores, Chair of the IFAF Athletes’ Committee:

“To compete in the Olympic Games is the ultimate dream of every athlete, and millions of flag football players around the world will go to sleep dreaming of Los Angeles 2028 tonight. I want to thank everyone who has made this possible – including all my fellow athletes and ambassadors who have played such a central role in driving the project forward.

“Together, we are determined to use this incredible stage to showcase the best of flag football – its speed, athleticism and creativity, and also its power to transform lives and include new communities in sports. As an athlete community, we are proud to be leading the way, but our goal must be to use this opportunity to inspire, lift up and empower a new generation around the world.”

Source:, IFAF, NFL Communications

Videoquelle: IFAF

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